7th Sep 2011Posted in: Resources, Social Media, Solutions 0
Listen Up: Dell’s New Engagement Play

We love Dell as an example of a company that get’s it.  Dell has always been an industry leader and it’s latest investment shows that they continue to evolve and innovate as the technology changes and their customers needs evolve.

Dell’s social media strategy includes engaging customers by identifying and mobilizing influencers across multiple functions. They realize the value of this core segment and have launched listening centers to capitalize on it.

What can you learn from Dell?  Focus on what works – not what’s cool or current. Successful social leaders get past the hype of individual social tools and focus more on the specific social media behaviors that can lead to revenue growth.What are the behaviors inside and outside the organization that can be capitalized on to generate revenue?

Social media is a catalyst for change to better go after digital consumers.

To get going with the social web, the different levels of engagement are typically:

  • Listen (Learn & Adapt)
  • Engage (Build your own network)
  • Optimize (Drive Innovation)

Don’t know where to start.  Start at the beginning.

Are you ready to GROW your business?

Give us a call and we can get you started today.

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